Biu Jee (Bil Gee, Bil Jee, Biu Tze) (鏢指 lit. Darting Fingers or Dart in Like a Cmopass needle) is the third Hand form of the Wing Chun System. Probably the most misunderstood form, Biu Jee has numerous interpretations to its function within the system. Most Wing Chun systems do relate that the Biu Jee form, takes you outside the Standard Wing Chun context thats exemplified within the Siu Lien Tao and Chum Kiu Forms. Many agree that the Biu Jee form , teaches how to regain Center and how to create a new centerline once the original one is lost, hence sometimes called "emergency techniques". As such the Biu Jee form is usefull to recover from mistakes and/or being trapped or when ones sturcture is broken and compromised.

The Biu Jee form to some is the natural progresion and expresion of Wing chun power, and without your Wing Chun, will only get to a certain level, as such they look at the Biu Jee form as a Turbo Booster, to the already existing Inch Power learned within Siu Lien Tao

The Biu Jee form is seen by many as a Micro adjustment form, that allows one to adjust in relation to ones opponent / Bien Jeung Sien. As well the Biu Jee form teachs Huen Mah / Circling Horse (Yee Mah? / Moving Horse) as well as the obvious elbow strikes/ short bridge coupled with Long bridge motions. Several other unique methods are introduce such as the Au Choi? or Hook punch, Gang Sau? or Crossing Hands,as well as Wan Wun Yiu Tiet Ban Kiu or Emergency bend at the Waist and Iron Bridges.

An old proverb states that Biu Jee But Chut Mun? or Biu Jee doesnt go out the door. This can be interpreted several ways including:

  1. Biu Jee Form isnt taught to non Diciples
  2. Biu Jee method doesnt go out of your gate

Ideas contained with Biu Jee are:

  • Recover from Mistakes
  • Emergency Methods when one is surprised or compromised
  • Regain Center
  • Create a new Center
  • Short Bridge and Long Bridge combine in Use
  • Horizontal directions of force
  • Greater use of Elbows
  • Power Booster
  • Use of Waist for a bobbing and Weaving method
  • Gwai Jarn
  • Kup Jarn
  • Sart Kiu
  • Ko Jeung
  • Biu Jee
  • Gang Sau
  • Au Choi
  • Seung Lai Sau
  • Wan Wun Yiu Tiet Ban Kiu