'Originaly Entitled "Legend of the rise of Wing Chun Kung Fu: Modern history and spread in Czech Republik" by-Wong Nim Yi and Ivan Rzounek
Legend of the rise of Wing Chun Kung Fu Each style of kung fu has very interesting story about its rise, how it got name and enumeration of legendary, mostly undefeatable masters Wing Chun kung fu too. I have read so many different legends about rise, that it could be enough for a book full of cock-and-bull stories. Mostly full of variances in comparison with real chinese history. Never exist persons, rally bad time data..., are going hand in hand with oral cavity pass on and embellished or advantegeous changed legends all chinese martial art schools. Here will be described legend, which is right for schools, which appeal on reference Master Yuen Kay Shan and his followers. I wouldnīt give it bigger meaning, in China most of masters donīt know it, so it has for "kung fu" no effect... In modern history we will pursue roots of school "Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun" master Wong Nim Yi from Guangzhou in China.
Ng Mui and Miu Shun Legend says, that rise of Wing Chun Kung Fu is dated 300 years ago. It is qualified with budhistic nun Lui Sei Lung, budhistic name Ng Mui. She escaped from destroyed Fujian Shaolin cloister (sometimes called "South Shaolin"). She was hidden in cloister of "White hawk" in Emeian mountains in Sichuan. She could watch fight between two animals - different it is said between snake and hawk or fox or monkey. She was inspired with this fight and she changed her kung fu techniques... After departure from Sichuan to province Guangxi she taught her art monk Miu Shun, who as master kung combined Ng Mui technique "White hawk" with his kung fu to no named style. Miu Shun recieved to his doctrine late pupil from Fujian Shaolin cloister Yim Yee. He was a member of rebelious sect and on his escape before Mandjurs left to province Guangxi with his daughter. He had business with toufu.
Yim Yee and Yim Wing Chun Yim Yee had the daughter Yim Sum Leung (known like Yim Wing Chun). He trained her kung fu. Another late rebel and follower Fujian Shaolin cloister Leung Bok Lao, the native from Jiangxi, could watch Yim Wing Chun during her training and he fell in love with her. They had the wedding after some time. When Yim Yee died, they moved to Zhaoqing in provinceGuandong, where they continued in their family life and training kung fu Þ to this time without name. After Yim Wing Chun death her husband Leung Bok Lao was very sad, he called the excercises after his wife on her eternaų memory. (I would like more this version: "After Yim Wing Chun death, when Leung Bok Laoīs pupils asked, which kung fu does he teach, he answered my wifeīs kung fu - Wing Chun. This way got the style its name." I think this is more believable. I write that version too, because it is romantic and used.)
Leung Bok Lao Leung Bok Lao had friend among people from "Theater company from "Red boats", who were among towns Fatsan - Zhaoqing - Guangzhou. He admired their moving ability and kung fu. At watching one of their training he found out, that one of styles is named almost the same as his. "Weng Chun kung fu" was Master Chi Shimīs style. Master Chi Shim came from Fujian Shaolin cloister. Style was named after training place in cloister. Leung Bok Lao admired their "6 1 techniques with long pole", which were Master Chim Shimīs specialities and that is why he exchanged them with his "Wing Chun" kung fu and taught them. Actors from boats could Master Chi Shimīs techniques and Ng Muiīs (the nun) kung fu. Among them we can name - Law Man Kung, Wong Wah Bo, Leung Yee Tai and Dai Fa Min Kam.
Law Man Kung, Wong Wah Bo, Leung Yee Tai and Dai Fa Min Kam Wong Wah Bo was powerful and stout atlet. He had a good commaind of a "6 1 techniques with long pole". Later when he left the theater company, he helped Leung Yee Tai in Fatsan to teach famous Leung Jan. Wong Wah Bo took up a pupil Fok Bo Chuen, who later improved himself and got new knowledges from Law Man Kung and Dai Fa Min Kam. He farther taught his kung fu Fun Siu Ching in Guangzhou. That were late years 1800...
Fok Bo Chuen, Fung Siu Ching and Leung Jan Fok Bo Chuen was well-known with the nickname "Sheung Dao Fok" - "Fok the double knife" for his unusual facility with two Wing Chun knives. In the end of Qing dynasty he worked like imperial policeman in Fatsan. In early years 1900 hired him rich businessman Yuen Chong Ming to teach kung fu his two sons Yuen Chai Wan and Yuen Kay Shan. His style is to these days in China called "She Ying Wing Chun" - "The snake style Wing Chun". Yuen Chai Wan later went to Vietnam, where he under his vietnamese name Nguyen Te Cong set up the vietnamese school Wing Chun Kung Fu. Fung Siu Ching was imperial police officer and once as well personal protection of Sichuan governor. At the end of his life he moved to family Yuenīs house and after some time he started to teach his kung fu ownerīs son, brothers Yuen Kay Shan and Yuen Chai Wan. From other pupils we can name Ngao Si. He was their teacher and guest and stayed there until he died. His pupils made him dignified funeral. Leung Jan taught in his chemistīs. During his career he became very famous and reputable master in his branch, that is why he got the nickname "Wing Chun Kuen Wong" (King in fight Wing Chun Kung fu). Master Leung Jan after he went on rest in his 70 years returned back to his native village Gu Lo, where he taught some fans neat from his kung fu, today called "Pin San Wing Chun". (translate - "Wing Chun used from the side".) This simplified style as the most of his propagators has only "36 techniques" - Chi Sao, San Dim Bun Kwan (3 and 1 techniques with long pole) and Yee Jee Yam Yueng Dit Ming Dao (two knives). From Master Leung Janīs pupils we can name Chan Wah Shun, called "Money exchanger", after the way how he fed himself, and Lai Ying.
Modern history Lineage Yuen Kay Shan ---------> Wong Jing Yuen KayShan He was born in 1889, was known as "Yuen the 5 th" after his order in born in family. When he was a young boy, he was realy interested in martial arts together with his brother. Rich father could hire the excelent teacher Fok Bo Chuen, by which then Yuen Kay Shan trained for many years and he got the knowledges in training groups - with the wooden dummy, with long pole, with two knives, with throwing darts and in using destructive power "iron sand palm". After many years he had an occasion to improve his kung fu with 70 years old Master Fung Siu Ching. For the first time he didnīt want to hear about any training. Later Yuen Kay Shan persuaded him and he could improve his knowledges with advanced using kung fu in fight on short distance and enrich his previous technique. Yuen Kay Shan had to prove his abilities during his life, but he didīt find any fights. In Fatsan is known story, when Yuen Kay Shan fought for his friend Yip Man. They spent a lot of time together in opium lairs and some fighter went for Yip Man to one of these lairs to call him in fight. He wasnīt there. He thought, that Yip Man is Yuen Kay Shan and called him in fight. The fighter was knocked down direct on place. Yuen Kay Shan is the legend today, about which are written books and told incredible stories about his ability in fight with Wing Chun knives, throwing darts, long pole... Still in his life should be written books of his memories, but he forbad their edition. He died in winter 1956. Yuen Kay Shan had many followers, but only a few really students. Among them we can number Master Wong Jing and Sum Nung.
Lineage Leung Jan -------------> Wong Jing Lai Ying This Leung Janīs pupil is quite unknown person. It isnīt clear, if he was his pupil in his Fatsan period of later in Gu Lo. Up to now the only information is his grandsonīs testimony, Mr Yuen Jo Tong from Guangzhou in China about it, that one of his pupils was Master Wong Jing. Maybe we will know more from "Wong Jing Wing Chun" family members something more on our next journeys in China.
lineage Chan WahShun -------------> Wong Jing Chan Wah Shun Leung Jan didnīt want to teach his later pupil, but when his students put in a word, he changed his opinion. It is well-known story, how young Chan Wah Shun watched lessons Master Leung Jan through a small hole in fence and secretly collected knowledges from his pupils. Chan Wah Shun allegedly participated many fights and according to later statement Sifu Yip Man was very handy fighter... According to information Master Yip Man from conversation with Mok Pui On in hongkong magazine "New Martial Heroes" had Chan Wah Shun during his life only 16 pupils. One of them was his own son Chan Yiu Min.
Chan Yiu Min Master Chan Wah Shunīs son, Chan Yiu Min was quite problematic boy, today we would call him a "gambler". Once he even stole to his father valuable books to pay his debts from gaming. In Kung fu he was certainly very handy, we can say it because of his title "King of long bar seven provinces", which he got on tournament, where he won with all competitors. It is said, he had above the door to his school a huge bar with engraved sign of this title. His wife Lai Miu Hin learnt together with him traditional chinese "arranging bones" (way, how to treat ijuries) from Master Chan Wah Shun. About Chan Yiu Minīs wife - Mrs Lai Miu Hin it is said, that she was very handy in Kung fu and Master Chan Wah Shun taught her more than his son. She died in the age of 89. From pupils we can name Jiu Chao.
Jiu Chao Same as his teacher prefered title of style "Weng Chun", what is quite different from "Wing Chun". Jiu Chao practised Hung Ga kung fu and among pupils Chan Yiu Min pertained among the best. From his Master he learnt as martial art as art "arranging bones" - treating the injuries. His job was secret policeman and one of his collegues later was very famous other teacher kung fu - Master Yip Man. We canīt cut out exchanging opinions and techniques. This teacherīs style includes about 12 forms. One of many pupils was Wong Jing.
Lineage Ngao Si -------------------> Sum Nung NgaoSi He learnt from Master Fung Siu Ching in time, when he lived in family Yuenīs house in Fatsan and among his pupils belonged Wai Yuk Sang.
Wai YukSang According to some informations Wai Yuk Sang didnīt learn himself Wing Chun Kuen from Ngao Si, but he learnt from his older brother. Unfortunately we will never find out, how it really was. Wai Yuk Sang was a doctor in "National Army" and in his older years he resorted to seclusion. He became a taoistic priest and he taught "Hei Gung" (brass excercises). From Master Wai Yuk Sang has "Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun brass inside excercises "Sun Hei Gwai Yuen Gong", itīs roots reaches to Emei mountains to province Sichuan, just here in cloister of "White Crane" was in her time grandmother of Wing Chun Kuen - Ng Mui. Wai Yuk Sang taught martial art, cures and brass excercises. One of the pupils this Master was Cheung Bo.
Cheung Bo Originaly Hung Gaīs style fighter got in one of his fights bitter defeat. He was knocked out with Master Wai Yuk Sang, who used Wing Chun style. Later he asked Master for adoption to study to learn the style, with which he was knocked out. Cheung Bo was very stout and powerful man, who was very afraid fighter. He wasnīt afraid of fight with a few competitors at the same time. His art he taught two of his sons, who grandpupils - Sifu Mak Yiu Ming, are well-known in Fatsan today. Part of his techniques from his style he taught Sum Nung.
Sum Nung In Guangzhou teaching Master was born in South America, but at the age of 5 he returned with his chinese parents to China. In the year 1938 he started to devote to Wing Chun Kung Fu under leading Master Cheung Bo, from him learnt "San Sik" Wing Chun, so called basic self-defence through apllications chosen from all groups. Later Cheung Bo brought him to Master Wai Yuk Sang, who taught Sum Nung brass excercises and curing injuries. In the year 1941 he was from his Master introduced to Greatmaster Yuen Kay Shan and since he had learnt from him. In the year 1999 he officially changed mark of his style from "Yuen Kay Shan" on "Sum Nung Wing Chun". In Guangzhou and the surrounding is possible to find many his followers. Certain time in his school improved himself even Master Wong Wu Fong (Mai Gei Wong) and many of his techniques he included in his style. Master Sum Nung passed away 2002...
Wong Jing ------>"Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun" Wong Jing He originaly studied "Bak Hok Kung Fu" - "White Craneīs style" and it is said (from Leung Tingīs and Yuen Jo Tongīs informations), that is style was influenced from three big personalities Wing Chun Kung Fu: "Leung Jan Wing Chun" by Master Lai Ying, "Chan Wah Shun Wing Chun" by Master Jiu Chao and "Yuen Kay Shan Wing Chun" direct by Master Yuen Kay Shan, who was his good friend. Experiences with more Wing Chun styles helped him to understand the style to depth, no just personal interpretation of Masters. Wong Jing before his death in the year 1972 often send his pupils "on experiences" to another schools, his Wing Chun colleagues. One of his most important is Master Wong Wu Fong.
Mai Gei Wong" - Wong WuFong Greatmaster Wong Wu Fong, later for his fighting ability called "Mai Gei Wong" - "rice machine Wong". He was intersted in martial art from his childhood, he was experienced in many styles and big physical culture fans. He trained "Nothern Shaolin", "Taj Ji", "Pakua", "Xing Yi", "Tai Hoi", "Mok Ga", western box, fight and weight-lifting. By Master Wong Jing he started to learn, when like the only Master, who he met, managed him in friend fight to knock him down. He sent him to train to another Yuen Kay Shan pupilīs school - Master Sum Nung to have another view on Wing Chun from other direction. From there come some excercises "San Sik" and next techniques, which Master Wong Wu Fong included to his style "Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun". In 1960īs and 1970īs was the line "Mai Gei Wong" Wing Chun the strongest school of this style in surrounding cities Fatsan and Guangzhou. Greatmaster Wong Wu Fong was admired master of fight and very respected person of local sommunity martial arts. There are incredible stories about his fighting abilities, speed and power, many times certified from up to now living eye-wintesses. After retire he forbad to use the name "Mai Gei Wong", so his style isnīt known except China. Greatmaster Wong Wu Fong died in the year 1998. On his funeral were over 300 mourning guests, mainly pupils and Masters of many kung fu styles, who were his friends.
Wong NimYi Greatmaster Wong Wu Fong taught Wing Chun Kung Fu all his children. One of them is Master Wong Nim Yi, who lives and teaches in southchinese city Guangzhou. He trains Kung fu from early childhood under his fatherīs charge, but another important Masters too. He can a few kung fu styles, but for example "Lion dance", kaligraphy... His own kung fu school festively opened and officially registered in the year 1998. Before he taught in his fatherīs school, which he took over after hi death. He taught only "Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun" and a few interested people Tai Ji Quan every day early morning and in the evening in "Tian He Sport Center" park. During the day is his flat full of pupils and variant visiters - Wing Chun teachers from far surrounding and Masters of other styles, who like discussing with him by "Kung Fu" tea about all possible martial art aspects, how chinese as any other. Master Wong is very pleasant and humorous man, who also can during a second explode with incredible power and speed. His Wing Chun Kung Fu knowledges and fighting abilities are very deep. His pupils are from all social sections and all age groups. In last years he teaches his art unchinese pupils too. His czech pupil from the year 1999 is Ivan Rzounek with his czech students from "Czech Association Wing Chun Kung Fu" in Czech and Slovak Republik.
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