The 40 bridges of Wing Chun By Ray Van Raamsdonk!!!
Master Wong Kiu and Master Wong Shun Leung used to write a newspaper column from 1950 to 1960, entitled, "Tbe 40 Bridges of Wing Chun." Master Wong Kiu's pen name was Siu Lung Wong (Little Dragon King). Both Wong Shun Leung and he were very literary in Chinese. They composed verses with implicit challenges to other styles of martial arts. They and a few others, including William Cheung, fought many challenge matches. Master Wong Kiu himself fought 14.
Most matches were won with simple combination punches to the body. Dangerous strikes to the neck, head and groin were never used. The Wongs had antagonized over 70 top martial art teachers who threatened to kill them, until Yip Man intervened.
In one encounter, four Wing Chun practitioners went to see a well known Dragon style master. The master said, "I am going to teach you a lesson." He looked the four over and picked the smallest to fight. The smallest was Wong Shun Leung. Wong Kiu flipped a coin to see who would attack first. The Dragon master won the toss. Wong Shun Leung took on the neutral Wing Chun pose. The attacker shifted right and left, then suddenly exploded with a low punching attack. Wong Shun Leung used the classical level Chum sau, but the attack slipped in. Master Wong Kiu could see that Wong Shun Leung was hurt. As in many other styles, the master took his hands back to start a second attack. In Wing Chun you follow as a force retreats, so Wong Shun Leung followed and hit the master several times in the head.
Next, Wong Kiu asked if Wong Shun Leung was ready for a second round. He said OK. This round Wong Shun Leung charged in with the same chain punches. The master was hurt again. Wong Kiu noticed that the Dragon master had bluish marks on his hands from extensive iron palm training. He told Wong Shun Leung that they had better stop before someone got seriously hurt. He said to Wong Shun Leung, you better shake hands. They told the Dragon master, "We came not being enemies and we should leave not being enemies." They waited for the Dragon master to discuss the match in the tea house.
In another incident, Master Wong Kiu went to challenge another top Hong Kong master. As usual, Master Wong Kiu brought along the Hong Kong press. When they arrived it became apparent that this master hesitated to take up the challenge. Master Wong Kiu, not wanting to press the issue, said, "Let us at least demonstrate a set so as not to waste the newspaper reporters time." The master agreed. The master performed a very impressive set. It was forceful with lots of stamping on the ground and dust flying through the air. Next Wong Kiu performed the Chum Kiu set. The shocked master said, "You mean that's your Kung Fu? Wong Kiu said, "yes." The master then said, " Well, in that case let's fight." The fight was on. The master rushed into Wong Kiu with a lightning fast punch. Master Wong Kiu reported that he stopped the attack with a single deflect and punch movement from the wooden dummy.
copyright:Ray Van Raamsdonk