Since it is another New Year, and the one less year a senior people will live. I am going to release and share with you the process of practicing SLT according to the Yik Kam lineage.

If you find usefull and decide to go this way, my only request is to give Yik Kam and Cho family Credit for the preservation of this process. That's it.

SLT way of power generation, in the ancient chinese term, it is called using Intention to lead Qi (energy flow type resonance) and let the Qi transport the physical body. ONly this way will turn on your SLT enginee properly and at the end capable of impliment the Saying of Wing Chun Kuen " comes accept, Goes send it back, let go and move forward, using silence to lead action"


how is this done?

1, relax the body, 2, make an intention, 3, wait and let the body response spontaneously by itself. In the begining this might need to take some time, because the body is tense and react habitually and also one's is not clear about how to use one's intention.

without going this way, one will have a difficult time to practive the SLT and the most important is that even one spend 100 years with other methods or way, one is not going to get much out of the SLT/SNT.

NOtice that the way how SLT done is NOT tensing the body while other style tense the muscle before moving the physical.

It is relaxing the body when one intent to move the physical. NOT tensing it.

Now, investigate the Iron wire or other style, what are they do? does they do the same with our SLT operating process above? if not, then one is pulling a reverse gear similar to lots of people importing stuffs into SLT/SNT without a good understanding of the nature of SLT/SNT.

and then one question how is SLT train one to be able to take mental pressure...etc under stress .....

simple, because one intent and constantly release tension and relax. This after a while of training will lead one to be more relax then before one is training SLT and also very different they those who tense thier body and always in fligt and fly mode and tensing more.

Such a simple stuff, and logically simple. However, in general people doesnt pay attention, and lots of so-called expert trying to import and mix this and that to WCK without even themself knows what is going on. IMHO.

So, dont argue, dont reason, dont even take my word, try it, do it, start from today, when you do SLT/SNT, start simple and ease with a rythm of Intentionally relax, make an intention to move the part of the body to the way you intent to.

ie. relax the body, make an intention to do a tan sau, very important dont think how to do it, but intent and relax, let the body move spontaneously (that is what it means in implementation when the chinese called it Little Idea or quiet the mind or using Silence to lead action) .

Notice, Not thinking means not trying to figure out how to do this or that which get one into mind spining, Not thinking also means not to just mimic posture similar to a programmed Robot. Not thinking means have a single intention, and hold on to that intention and let things work out by its own naturally. This is also called the Punch or Action issue from heart or Kuen Choong Sum Fatt."

This way of training is actually is goint to lead one to be spontaneous even in chi sau or other application by cutting down the habitual "thinking and tensing" . this training will lead to what is said to be " Intention move and spirit is already there" type of fast spontaneous response. Not to mention it will lead to inch power issuing.

One could check the proper way of handling the "intention but not thinking to figure out...tensing " with


"Controlling stress, it turns out, is about activating something called the vagus nerve, a part of the nervous system that influences heart rate. ..."

With this one can know if one's SLT training beable to help one understress and still have peak perfomance.

But the best outcome is ----- training these way is going to help one to live a better live and handling our daily stress naturally. because when we intent we relax and let it happen instead of forcing it.

one might need to go back to reread my post on diaprhamatic breathing so that with the combination of my old post on breathing, qi, now the intention or yee, the trainining process of Mind/breahthing/Qi/Physical are all address wholistically.

What happen is

simple once we know how isnt it?

Peace and enjoy your SLT/SNT. Have a Happy Chinese New Year.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:39 pm Post subject: What the heck, why not?

We can make it surface tonight.. to see the link of SLT, White Crane, and Emei with evidents.

Some one would like to make translation to the following? even if you dont know chinese, keep it. These are a lite collection of Kuen Kuit...


紅船班中正旦易金小練頭拳訣微嘗 ( a lite taste of SLT Kuen kuit according to Yik Kam the Red boat Opera artist)

1, 拳礼 (salutation)

反清 復明 五湖四海 十指連心 遝我河山

2, 練法 (Training guide)

眼對手 手對心 手從心發 一絲不苟.....


3, 拳普歌訣 ( first few stanza ofSLT Kuen Kuit)

集意会神平肩襠 双手前起半(分)陰阳 左脚跘出有善惡.... 右跟曲勁口口口...

口口口口單朝阳 吞吐如虹口口口....


若朔其源, 訣中諸如 "集意会神平肩襠 双手前起半(分)陰阳"之句, 仍出自峨嵋十二庄. 諸如單朝阳, 吞吐如虹之詞非白鶴门無他.


吞吐浮沉君須記 揎蓋挑疊常要用

吞吐浮沉...揎蓋挑疊...升降開合..... 形,勢,气脉...

The emei Kuen kuit for reference:

气平正立平肩裆 两掌前起半阴阳 ... 再将左右任分腿

White Crane Kuen Kuit for reference:

昭陽 (Facing Sun)

<白鶴仙師祖傳真法> 中的 <方七娘白鶴拳十五勢>,就載有 : [跌、砍拳...招陽、......]十五個勢法,並注明如何動作及攻防意義之所在。.......這十五個勢應為當時最早見之於拳譜中的勢法,當是當時所傳教的。

比如十五勢拳譜中所寫: [招 (昭) 陽。白鶴拳法之五:凡拳起手,只要招 (昭)陽,無論他用何勢,可用此勢,大門放過,小門直入。蓋此勢兩手顧鼻面,短牙顧中攔切,戒分腳退後。]......。

On Inch Jing Join Power

.........永春白鶴拳以 " 寸勁節力 " 見稱,能集中全身之力,於一剎那間發出,達到最好的持擊效果。要求力從胸起如雷從地發,蓄於身腰,發於臂手。........



三) 兩手昭陽、吞吐節力:雙手沉肩、墜肘、坐腕成「昭陽手」,分成三節,肩至肘為內節(根節),肘關節為中節,腕關節為尾節,要做到內節如鐵一般堅實,與肩身成一整體;中節吞墜,尾節如膠如漆,靈活多變。雙手來去出力發勁,出手時吐氣(吐),收手時吸氣(吞),一吞一吐互相配合無間,堅持「中門不讓,子午不離」。練習時與肩、頭、背、胯、膝要貫串一氣,互相呼應,如有橡筋互相牽引、拉扯,吞肩坐節(墜肘),發胛力,勁達指尖。出手時節中隨身與胯同向,不可縮入開出,手節對膝,承接全身各處之力。

4, 收拳礼 (closing Salutation)

揎蓋挑疊常要用 (福建發音) 劍指膀肘逞英雄

訣曰 (kuit said)

劍指膀肘逞英雄 半点子午定太平



太平 (Taiping heavenly kingdom)

the posture of the woodern dummy or Chong Kuen.

In This posture

The following , 拳礼 (salutation) is perform with WCK technics such as tan, fook....

反清 復明 五湖四海 十指連心

In this picture, it is 反清 posture

The salutation said

反清 ( Over turn Qing Dynasty) 復明 (Return to Ming Rule) 五湖四海 (All over china ) 十指連心 (all race with single heart) 遝我河山 (return me my country)



劍指膀肘逞英雄 ( sword finger, Bong and elbow present to the hero) 半点子午定太平 (Half Point, Center line , Settle TaiPing)

Now, we all know that Chang Heung of CLF involve with Hung Muun and Taiping heavenly kingdom (太平)rebellion.

in 1850's CLF also has a secret slogan

"Heroes of the Hung Party are superior; heroes (英雄) always win."

See ,

how is this slogan parallel with the Yik Kam's WCK slogan "Sword finger, Bong and elbow present to the HERO. Half Point, Center line , Settle TaiPing"

IN addition, The slogan/Kuit also tell us how WCK in 1850 is about.

劍指膀肘逞英雄 ( sword finger, Wing (bong as in bong sau) and elbow present to the hero) 半点子午定太平 (Half Point, Center line , Settle TaiPing)

It said, WCK using Sword or finger technics for long bridge, Wing, elbow for short bridge. half point, and center line.

So, there no need to be "secret" or mysterious. Lots of things are traceable in chinese history.

IMHO, The research of WCK needs to have specific, tangible , strong, and solid evident to start with. without a solid record, there is no way one is going to do research, Thus, oral History or His-Story are not as good.

Here above it is very specific. it is not this shao Lin that Wu dang type of speculation but very specifically in detail. and as above show, the evident converge with White Crane, Emei, and also CLF's incident, Shanghai uprising, and Lee Man Mau's uprising. Without these type of convergence and support, it will be just His-story.

Furthermore, these days people love to make claim about this Zen or that Chan without have any standard study of the subject. Those are really sad because it always become big misleading. Think about this, if the sifu or sigong has no idea what is Chan, how the heck is the student or grand students know what is what?

I hope by releasing this above for everyone to taste as desert. we all could here on raise the bar of WCK research. We need to differentiate the different between personal speculation and facts with evidents.

Kuen Kuit translation(from the other posts)

1st line Collect Yee Union with Shen in the equal shoulder stance

2nd line both hands forwardly lifting split into Yin and Yang

My bad attempt(will work on it further) 3rd line- left leg movement, is this the opening movement of SLT? 4th line- Soft jing, right leg?

5th line- ? 6th line- something about swallowing, spitting(not physical action, but the qi actions)

Trying to absorb the commentary, it talks about qi mei, emei 12 zhuang, and white crane. Working on it...

Some other kuen kuit I found, Come accept, goes send it away, letting go move forward, Using silence lead the action using stillness managing the action to attain that action and stillness has no difference Both arms raising, the Yin and Yang manifest from nothingness quiet the mind and using the Yee(same as first line?) collecting the qi in Dan dien, Du meridian ( spine ), sink

One of the core key I am going to let it out today, is that from my study of the Yik Kam SLT kuen kuit, IMHO, based on the writing's description, one needs to know how to have the 8 special medirians or Chi Jing Pa Mai (in Mandarin) activate in order to fully train the SLT. One needs to know the Mai Lu (in Mandarin) or the path of the Mai (medirians) to transport the physical body.

That is because, IMHO, the handling of SLT's training on physical is via Intention--> Qi -> physical body.

This stuffs is common and basic in internal art. However, it will not heard about for those who train external and train only application.

I hope you keep this into consideration because unless we have insight into these, we will default into external training or using the "brute" force to move our physical.

This subject required indeep understanding of NeiGong. Thus, I hope you keep in mind while doing your research, share with your team that, Dont make conclusion based on anyone who has no insight into the Qi path, Qi moves... topic. and all these Qi path Qi moves boild down to the Use of REsonance of our body.

The Yee lead the Resonance or Vibration, The qi fuel it, and the physical manifest it.

One significant different between going this way compare with the usual general hard way of training is that : while one move a finger, in the hard way, one "tense" up the finger in the action. as for using the Qi to transport, one actually "relax" the finger in the action. This is very critical to undestand. and, eventhought could not be noticed by junior one actually knows it.

So, if one relax while transport, one is going internal or Rou Jing. If one tense up while moving, one is going external. All of these are well define.

According to the Neigong teaching, cultivate with the Mai Lo will naturally harmonized health and strengthen the body -- Keep the qi and blood in the body continous to flow smooth/effortlessly.

Hope that my opinion above might have some used in the future development of WCK. or the understand of the classical WCK.

That is my 30 years of studying, take it if you could make good use of it for humanity and positive constructive purpose. This characteristics also point to the Emei's "snake slide and pulpa move". See, the Emei 12 zhuang training is core on training of the medirians.

IMHHO. GM TST who is sharing and teaching the NIm Lik concept of his lineage today is IMHO traveling on same direction. Nim is intention, relax is to get the body transport. and finally, the key is could one activate the Chi Jing Pa Mai.... and resonance at will. GM TST seems to be teaching to activate the Du medirian as Du is one of the 8 special medirians or Chi Jing Pa Mai above. IMHHHO.

NOTE: Do not try these medirians activation stuffs without a qualified sifu. There are keys and process to handle the Qi once it started. Otherwise, one could get into serious issues if one could not turn it off.

Some might ask so how is this applied to other lineages? IMHO, if GM Yip Man's Lineage via GM TST and Yik Kam lineage converge in a certain way as above, then IMHO, we are looking at something general and Basic across WCK because it cannot be an accident that GM TST's teaching matches with Yik Kam's teaching which is not known to other lineages. IMHO. This is the Key to implement Kuen Choong Sum Fatt or the Punc/Move source from the heart/Intention. and with this type of paradigm then Come accept.... using the silence to lead the action" is a posibility.

And if someone ask me about the uniqueness of SLT compare with the White Crane before 1800( notice there are evolution of white crane around 1800 also, so becarefull which one one is comparing) Then, I would say the Crane Shape with the Qi Mai of Emei, that is the fusion which the legend of Miu Shoon talk about. Thus, SLT is softer and have fine tune which is different then the White CRane.

May you all be healty and prosper.



Those who are from Cho family and Yik Kam lineage, you are welcome to ask me any of the above question because this is very important. We always heard about how Yik Kam could play "magic" with his kungfu. and until I step into the Qi transport body description, I have no idea is that possible. Now, I know it is possible because the Emei people can do it. So, Yik Kam and the acestor before him must be able to do it. Lossing this degree of freedom will lost the core teaching of Yik Kam, IMHO. Again, you dont have to believe what I said, however, in case you are interested. that is how i see this things.

But, please use whatever you gain for humanity for whatever use in violance and destruction is going to cause destructive karma to ourself. We dont want that, IMHO. I have no interest in title or wining or figthing. Humanity and technology use for humanity to create a prosper and peacefull environment is my dream.

This equal shoulder stance is different then the hung gar or other's YJKYM because.

SLT uses this stance for Macrocosmic. It uses this stance to send the Qi down ward. However, this cannot be attained if we clamp the knees. That make this qi flow stuck. also, if we use the muscle to sink or root. That too make this qi flow stuck. That is the insight I have learn/realized while spending time investigating and observing it. and my commenting on this subject in the forum probably got others mad on the previous discussion, I appology for that. perhaps I am just crazy and fantasying, or perhaps I have a vague glimps of Miss Wing Chun's smile which I could never forget for this life.

YJKYM in my humble opinion is just an equal shoulder stance with a relax body and feet that is as relax as one is sleeping laying in Bed....

and Kam Yong or Clamping the Yang or how to do it combine with breathing is the KEY of sending the qi to the specifice medirians. That is certain.

Later, things got evolve and always default to the hard or external way as soon as we are not carefull with the details.

So, how to root with the sleeping relax YJKYM? this is the key, IMHO, it is not suppose to "root" dead . it is suppose to be alive and agile with balance/stability and bouncy/springy if needed, it keeps flow and resonance and macrocosmic-ing.. nothing sit still. always flow. like water. and water doesnt need to be still. and it's power is in the flow...

If this is not the path, then we got default into using the chest and shoulder power. Once we are thinking about rooting or trying to root with wider stance or different structure.. then the chest and shoulder power comes with that by default....

See, this type of technology is very different and have a different type of view. Thus, it is a paradigm shift art. But then how many of us or in the past 150 years can dream about these stuffs? Very difficult. Because we are so program to think or default into the hard way... It is via this paradigm shift the effortless could be attained... Thus, SLT is not an ordinary common Nam Kuen type of set. Nothing mysterious, in fact very simple and straight forward and nature, the only issue is if one dont see it with an eyes of different paradigm one will never see it.

If I know what I know now 30 years ago, I would train in a much different way. Or perhaps, I will not train WCK but just let go and let God that is the bottom line of effortless. Ask and it is already given. isnt that effortless?

What needs to say is that the above 2 posts cannot be implement without a good handling in Diaphramatic Breathing.

Thus, the Key is one MUST be able to Do Diaphramatic Breathing. That is a uncomprimise pre-requisit.


This is how it links to Bai Si ( accepted by a teacher) and Hoi Kuen (open the path to cultivation the art)

Bai Si is needed because the sifu is RESPONSIBLE for the direction of One's training. and One is resposible to be humble to accept the sifu's teaching when one has no clue and no fundation to know about the subject.

Hoi Kuen or open the path to cultivate the art is what happen after the Bai Si. One will be shown the Goal and the process of training. As the example above, ONe will be shown the Goal of the training, the process such as first step practicing diaphramatic breathing, then.....

So, Bai Si is not just a ceremony but a responsibility and also knowing some one is guide over one and watch over one.

Hoi Kuen is also not about ceremony but a step by step transfer of Technology and got tune in.

IMHO, we need to know what every steps mean to learn the art. Just cant jump gun with our 2000 western educated logic speculation making conclusion.

IMHO One of the reason why the investigation of WCK history cannot having a breakthough in the past, IMHO, is the lack of true undestanding of what was going on with the trandition, the environment, and the art itself.

For example, if one is trying to retrive a data which is not exist within a computer, then one always stuck because no matter how much one run the search program. The data is just not there. So, one needs to get out from that un-ended loop and look else where. May be in the data book, somewhere on the desk...etc.

Same thing, we could learn so much if we just look around instead of speculate around same with the computer without data.

1800 to now is not that long of the time. and lots of stuffs will not change over night. So, if we got a clue and then we investigate on what does that clue means in 1800 we will certainy know what is the likely of the clue means....

Thus, to conclude the idea of this threat. We are actually know more today about WCK's past then then 40 years ago before the information age. However, still one important thing needs to be vey carefull is that the path describe above needs to have a qualified/experience sifu. One must not experiment it by oneself. IMHHO, I think going to learn from GM TST is a safe path if one would like to have a taste of what is going on instead of speculating about the subject based on one's imagination.

AS the WCK learning moto said " learning has no time ranking, make s/he who has mastering the subject is the teaching. IMHO, I believe this is across the lineages of all WCK. Doesnt matter what lineage or who, what matter is learning from the expert who knows how to lead one to the goal.

In Additional, in the Yik Kam lineage there are 4 circle Resonance Namely the Hien, Kaam, Tiu, Tap (in fujianess) the stanza said "ÞïÉwÌô¯B³£ÒªÓà " or Hien Kaam, Tiu, Tap always are needed. each of these comes with a 6 directional force vector ( remember the X layer model?) Because it is a Resonance stuffs in the 3 dimention thus one needs the 6 directional force vector.

Openess is bydefault for me. My part is to share so that everyone progress.

and, giving credit to where the credit from is also my practice. The chinese called this drinking the water and remember where it is from.

IMHO, after 30 years hobbying to know what is SLT is about, I have some understanding of the step by step ,detail by detail ; including the 8 type natural type physical resonance surfacing accord to the 8 special medirians.... and how is this link to the six directional force vectors and so forth. So, it is a wholistic stuffs.

Thus, cultivation SLT for me is no longer a boring, dull, roboting act instead a fun unended gaming where there is no end. But, keep aligning closer and closer with the natural and it is similar to the flow of water. everyday is different but Natural.

SLT/SNT has its uniqueness and once one know these uniquence and be able to enter the STATE. a lots of things are obvious in front of one's mind's eyes.

Continous on, IN Yik Kam lineage, there are 4 basic cycles or core move, this 4 basic cycles, IMHO, is link to the 8 natural resonance of the physical body which is link to the 8 special medirians activation.... in the manner of the snake slide pulpa moves etc. if one observe this 4 cycles going within, then it is the core of the enginee and power generation.

ON the other way, if one observe it outward into the applications, this 4 cycles transform into different applications when it is needed. similar to water transform to ice when it is cool and vaporized when it is hot.

So, the Kuen kuit said, " Huen Kaam tiu Taap (the four cyclic/mother core) always needed ( is the foundation of everything)"

HOwever, the four cyclic needs to be empower by the 8 naturall resonance, otherwise, It is not delivering its potential.

Let me tell you a story about my experiemental.

Years ago, at one point, I even thought the four cyclic is similar to the general muscular taiji reel silk type of power or dynamic tension...etc. and I go that way for years, and I was going deeper investigating these stuffs with the help of my Kungfu bother sifu Robert Chu,it turn out that Sifu Robert Chu always is faster then me while in issuing power with his unique 5 points plum flower type of power issuing technics. So I think, his method is more superior then what I know, So, I learn his technics from him.

However, this issue is constantly bug me. it doesnt settle, because I know intuitively unless I was practiced the YIk Kam method wrongly. It must not be like this. After a few years past of keeping searching. I finally got a climps of what might be happen and what it needs to be done.

, later, I got sick, at that time I lost lots of weight , and no longer have the muscular power and speed and stamina.., and I have to rely on different power and rebuild my body from ground zero otherwise I have zero power and a sixteen year old will beat me. There I remember it said in the kuen kuit, the whole body must not applied a slightly of force... and since I was weak there... I start to realize what is going on about Yik Kam's teaching.

That is the cause that lead me to realize and confirm clearly one day what is the 8 natural resonance is about and what is the meaning behind " gentli subdue the opponents within split of an inch" " it is in the Yee ..." using the yee lead the qi, using the qi to transport the body..."

There on life is changing for me. and ofcause with lots of help from different close family such as my brother sifu Robert Chu and my other sifus in MA, Neigong...etc also including my sifu in Zen buddhism..etc or even Louise Hay or Lester Levenson... because it needs a mind/body platform to support where I am going to actually understand the activation of the 8 special medirians...mind body breathing....etc

Looking back, I actually have a Team of people helping me including the high tech gadget from Heart rate monitor to screw around with EEG brain wave.....without them I have no idea what is going on and dont know how to get here.

I know I have found the bacis of Yik Kam's way/teaching and that is actually the teaching of let the Nature take its course, and I discard all other's ways because as it said " one spontaneous let the Nature" or in another words, "let go let God". those teaching serve me the best (others might go different way and that is perfectly fine) .

and thus I am be able to synthesis it with different people such as Jim or Pual or anyone who visited me because it is not about me Hendrik but about tuning into Nature.

Evidientally, with my experience with different style of power generation such as, Judo, Kykyoshin, Shao Lin.., western sport training.etc It is a fact that if I dont go the path I am doing now or the Chinese ancestor's way, I dont even have chances to be going this far as who I am today.

I choose to tell you these because you see, any development is a progressive one, take time and going different path ..and owe it to lots of people who help me. I dont claim I know it all with evidence that I do know some.

With my experience, I dont buy in to such as Terence idea of fighting or compare with this or that or test out with the local GYM. It is not that thier idea is not good. But, IMHO, those stuffs are implied and based totally on having a 17 year old healty energetic body to start with. Hey, I am doing Kyokushin and sparing all day long with different style at that time too.

But can I do it when I am sick and weak? No not a chance imho. expecially at one point, I even think about I might not see the sunshine of next morning anymore. That is how weak I got. and what is those figthing fighting stuffs do for me when I really need to support my living? They certainly is nice to have when I was young and energetic and healty.

BUt, the Chinese Ancestors way works, at least for me, I know, if the body cant rebuild and cant deliver, the rest such as the application is history.

and IMHO, what I found out is, the ancestor's art with this Qi and that Mai can help one to rebuild one's mind/body and make it even better. That is a fact. It goes as far as when I see the doctor a year later, the doc told me, keep doing what you are doing, you dont need medication, everything is normal...

I am not some champion or best fighter. But I know from my experience, as a ordinary human being, what it takes or needs to live a life, what direction to cultivate for a effective and effortless mind/body;

not the Buddha or great guru or master or grand master, I am simply a human like everyone else with some common sense from my experience.

I consider I am very lucky because I have so many people helping me when I was down to find a way out. As a human, HOPE is what lead one to live. Thus, I believe in Spring time because Spring bring one hope. So, nope, hendrik's story is not about the best fighter or the best champion or who can beat whom. hendrik's story is about could we live a good balance life with hope and freedom and always can be better and getting better within peace and harmony.

Just some thought and my opinion, I always could be wrong and there always have better way.