Lee Shing Gar Dai Nim Tao

(Lee Shing Version of Fung Gar Sup Yee San Sik)


  1. Siu Nim Tao? (Little Idea)
  2. Dai Nim Tao? (Big Idea)
  3. Sam Jee Choi? (Three Finger Punches)
  4. Biu Choi? (Darting Punch)
  5. Sup Jee Choi? (Cross Shaped Punch)
  6. Dip Jeung? (Butterfly Palm)
  7. Lan Kiu? (Barring Bridge)
  8. Tiet Jee Chum Kiu? (Iron Finger Seeking/Sinking Bridge)
  9. Tang Ma Biu Jee? (Galloping Horse Darting Fingers)
  10. Hok Bong? (Crane Wing)
  11. Wan Wun Yiu (Emergency Bending Waist)
  12. Fook Fu (Taming Tiger)


  1. Dai Bong? (Low Bong)
  2. Fu Mei? (Tiger Tail)
  3. Gwai Lung Na? (Kneeling Dragon Seize)
  4. Saam Bai Fut? (Three Prayers to Buddha)
  5. Saam Jin Choi? (Three Arrow Punches)
  6. Faan Cup Choi? (Flipping Covering Punch)
  7. Lien Wan Fei Jeung? (Linked Chain Fast Palms)

Saam Dim Boon Kwun (Lee Shing version) Saam Dim Boon Kwun (Three-and-a-Half Point Pole) is the standard pole set of the Gulao Wing Chun Kuen system. This version originates from the Lee Shing Wing Chun Kuen teachings of Fong Yee-Ming and Fung Sang.

  1. Huen (Circle)
  2. Dim (Point)
  3. Biu (Dart)
  4. Gwat (Chop)

Dai Nim Tao (Big Idea Training Set) sometimes also called the Sup Yee Ma (Twelve Horses) are the twelve forms of Lee Shing Wing Chun Kuen, incorporated by Lee Shing from the Kulo Wing Chun Kuen teachings of Fong Yee-Ming? and Fung Sang?. The Dai Nim Tao consists of 12 main points and 7 extra points. The 12 points, each contain 3 movements for a total of 36 points. The 36 movements are practiced on the high, middle and low level (high level with the hands, middle level with low stance, low levelwith the feet).


  • Wingchunkuen.com (wing chun archives)
  • Oral and written tradition Joseph Lee