True Black Metal?? By Genocide Helveti

This article is a bi-product of my personal feelings, developed over the last 20 years, from listening and creating, various forms of Metal( and 10 years within its sub genre Black Metal).I have always felt, the ideas, that many of the fans have attributed to BM, that entail being "true", in reality, go against everything Black Metal stands for. Mimicing someone else, following a fad, being a sheep, attempting to freeze something in time or not thinking for yourself, are what BM rises up against. Many of the so called "true" fans, are no more than traitors to the movement, and are part of the problem while the musicians seek to be part of the solution, and typicaly have differant intentions behind what they do, than what fans misinterpret or the media manipulates for their sensationalism style circus. In recent times, my band Fratricide has come under fire as has the entire USBM, as not being "true" Black Metal!! This article is partialy in responce to that.

Recently after watching a documentary by Bill Zebub, that includes various interviews with several individuals that direclty impacted the growth of Black Metal (Venom, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Gloomy Grim, Arkhon Infaustus ect), I found we shared most of the same ideals about Black Metal, and that it was the modern trends and fans that are moving away from the original intent, loosing the integrety, of the early bands. I hope to share some of these insights with you, on what is really "true" Black Metal, and to protect this incredble music style, and hopfully be a catalyst for thought, so others question what the "many" say, and than hopefully opt to exert their free will and make up their minds.

Note: Christianity is purposfully NOT capitalized within this article.

One of the most confused perceptions, in the underground music scene, has directly revolved around the "Black sun/son of the underground community - Black Metal. Born from an odd eclectic mixture of parent bands ranging from Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Alice Cooper, Kiss, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, Bathory, and of course the grandmasters of Black Metal - Venom, Black Metal was a response, by various musicians, to the prostitution and commercialization, of Americas once great music genre Death metal and other extreme Metal.

It could be said that Venom ~IS~ Black Metal, as they created and defined the term, as well as developed the overall lyric content that would become solidified, by the later Norwegian bands. They are acknowledged by most of the BM community as the founders, though Bathory was another ~very~ important component in what Black Metal would evolve into. Cronos (Venom) in a recent interview, responding to the question - "Is the term Black Metal bastardized these days" - clearly states that " The term is used by people who shouldnt be using it. Like the Norwegian scene. They should call it something else. Corpse Paint Metal or Norwegian Metal. Not Black Metal, because its not Black Metal. Venom Is Black Metal. It describes our music style which which includes Thrash Metal, Power Metal, Speed Metal, Death Metal. Its all the metals. We have slow songs, fast songs ect" {1}. This is a far cry from the frozen ideals of a few, that BM has a particular sound and look, and must remain -"that" to be BM.So before others open their mouths and attempt to catagorize something as "True" or not, perhaps they should quitely reflect on the words of the one of the founders of our beloved genre.

Its interesting to note, that the modern perception of Black Metal, is primarly based on misperceiving, what the original Norwegian scene was about. The bands from the early Norwegian scene, had (and have) their own unique sound. This suggests the idea of having to sound a certain way, to be true to the roots of BM, is absurd at best. Its also important to note that the bands involved in the early Norwegian scene (Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Emperor, Satyricon, Immortal, Carpathian Forest and Gorgoroth - all became first active between the formative years of 1987-1992){2}, have allowed themselves to evolve past what they initialy created. A sad fact is that many fans and copy cat bands, not understanding this, have attempted, over the years, to freeze in time, a particular "style' to BM. An expression was even created to delnigate if a band or person was authentic BM or not. Thus the expression "True" was born. Typicaly to be "true", one had to use Corpsepaint (something originally borrowed from the likes of Alice cooper, Kiss, and Mercyful Fate), use Lo fidelity recording (which the original bands used because that was all they had, not because they were flipping the bird to anyone or making any real statement), and use a certain 'sound" musically, which revolved around fast tremelo picking of large chord chunks, on all 6 strings of the guitar, creating a unique atmopshere and landscape {3} (while this is a core music component available to BM musicians, there is another core component using single note melodic lines tremelo picked -derived from Morbid Angel guitar player Trey A., as well as many other components available, equally BM in sound, expression and breath).

In reality, the above menioned stale mentality, goes against everything BM stands for. In truth, to be "true" to authenic followers of BM, means to be true to yourself. The essence of BM is about free will and individuality, not conformity to frozen misplaced perceptions. Frost (Satyricon, 1349) states that Satyricons music is about making the single individual stronger NOT to strengthen the collective.{8} Those that attempt to keep BM frozen in time, and create a group of people that mimic what others have done, are as bad as the american record companies, waiting in the wings to create the newest fad, so they may rape and prosititute all they can. I personaly believe in the adage, "If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem!". For example, Its outlandish to think one would have to use horrible recording conditions used almost 20 years ago, to be authentic in what you are doing musically.Agathon from Gloomy Grim commented recently, it doesnt matter if you record in the worst studio or a million dollar studio. What matters is making good music! (paraphrased) {1}. We agree, as do most of the authenic BM bands, as can be heard by the use of ever increasing better production value.

BM has always revolved around one core Ideaology and without it, stops being BM proper. This path was laid out by Venom, brought into full realisation by Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Emperor and Satryicon (while Immortal went their own direction lyricaly)and continues to develop up to this day by band's such as Gorgoroth, Arkhon Infaustus, 1349, Searing Skull and many others. This ideaology is typically summed up in the word "Satan". The definition, of what this term means, is another topic deserving its own article, and beyond the breath and scope of this paper. But suffice it to say, true Satanism has little to do with La vey's religious Humanism, black magic/devil worship, or other odd concoctions by misguided youth typically called "Evil". Anyone wishing to delve deeper into the true meanings of Satanism, free will, and spiritual freedom, please research "Theistic Satanism". Anyone wishing to research true "evil" please visit your nearest church or synagogue.

Church burnings have gone hand in hand with BM from the days of the early Norwegian scene. Many from christian indoctrinated society, have been shocked and outraged, at this stab into the heart of christians everywhere. The truth is (one that modern christians try to forget), that christianity is the source of the most violent religious movement, in the history of modern man and do more collectivly and individualy, to further the decline of modern society, than any Satanist, has ever been able to achieve. The Orthodox Roman christians, offered forced convertion or death, as the only two options, as they carved a bloody path through history. Those responsible for the church burnings very specificaly wanted to strike back, at the group that not only spiritual enslaved their people, but also many times, destroyed the roots and history, of their culture.

An interesting fact is many consider the bible to be a work of fiction, but the truth is that the bible is plagerized material, that the jews stole from Sumaria, Babylon/Chaldea, and Egypt. This has gradually surfaced, as new archeological discoveries come to light. {4}. Many of these stories are found in all ancient cultures and belong to the human race as a whole, and should be looked at as a form of ancient history that has been manipulated beyond recognition, into little more than christian propaganda.

All ancient man followed a very similar system of thought {5}. This truth can be found within Esoteric Taoism, Esoteric Buddhism, Shaminism, Suffism, Gnostisim, Jewish Kabala, Hermetics, Druidism, Odinism, Greek Kabala ect, if one looks at the core roots of each system, and ignores the individual cultural colorings. Typicaly the belief was held that god was in everything, and within each of us.Thus each man is a god unto himself, and need not bow any further. Gaul (Gorgoroth)in the documentary, True Norwegian Black Metal states "you will be allowed to focus on the god within yourself.Of cource thats the only true god.The god within everything. Its the only thing worth calling god to me. It is the highest spirit in everything."

The jewish rabbis having stolen the information from the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Sumarians, that taught man how to become one with what he was, wanted to keep the knowledge for themselves (For the Rabis/Priest class), which is the same thing the Brahamists in India did, and so hid the information within a alpha numeric code, built into the Hebrew language. They than used their language to retell stories, passed down in all ancient cultures, while hiding the truth in front of everyones face.The christians not knowing this, took the plagerized stories (which were common to most ancient cultures. All cultures have a Noah. All cultures have a flood. All cultures have the son thats sacrificed) at face value and built their tradition on misunderstanding. The material degraded even further, when translations were purposefully manipulated to support their dogma, during the rein of Constantine, as was finally proven by the discovery of the worlds oldest complete bible found at the foot of Mt.Siani. Large portions of the new testement were later additions, as was proven with ultraviolet photography, that determined the ink used in certain passages, wasnt as old, as the ink used in most of the book.It just so happens that the newer passages, included all of the references to Jesus being the only son of god, as well as the resurrection of the flesh propaganda. {6}

The final blow that lost this knowledge for the common man, was the burning of Alexanderia first by Caeser, than by the muslims and than finaly by the christians. This was typical for those in power to attempt to erase the knowledge and past of the cultures they were attempting to dominate. It was at this point, that true history was replaced by christian public relations and propaganda. Gauls assertation that " BM is a war against what everyone knows" {10}, is the ray of truth pointed at christian/jewish/muslim dominated society, we ~currently~ must suffer within. In light of this information, its easy to see who the true source of confusion and "evil" really is.

The Norwegian scene (as well as Black Metal scene in general)was/is a direct assault on the christians slavers, that forced convertion, to their bastard judeochristian hodge podge. Additionaly many of the BM musicians, were proud of the ancient Druidic and Odinic spiritual systems, that their ancestors followed, for generation upon generation.Thus traditional BM focuses its attacks against judeo christian ideology, while being the catalyst for growth, and bringing people the truths about the older natural spiritual systems. Satyr from Satyricon, notes that the band is driven by a "hostile posture against religion" {8} The language used, to express this information, though is typicaly misunderstood, which is why we have so many misinterpretations, of what Satanism really means.

Another intersting fact about the musical style of the early Norwegian Black Metal bands, is that it has always captured the atmosphere of the storm and nature gone mad. Drums pound and pulse like thunder, while guitars sound like lightning scorching across the skies. Orchestral instrumentasion adds harmony, and skreetching vocals add disonance - with perfect counter balance. Influenced by the strong natural power of Norwegian landscape and weather, it was a logical evolution to include certain electronic elements, which when used properly, add another dimension to the expressiveness of BM music. Fenriz considereds Mayhem and Darkthrones music to be "bread' style BM, while others who make use of orchestral and electronic elements would be considered the "cake" style.{9} Both having their proper place and something to offer the listener.

And finaly the core characteristic of authentic BM bands is the lifestyle is one with the music, unlike many musicians where it is simply a day job, hobby or acting. This was expressed by Hellhammer (Mayhem) recently with pointing out that BM bands are putting out "a complete package" - way beyond simply the music.{7} Thus when the band members live a life contrary to what they sing about, integrety and value is lost from the music.

To summarize what Black Metal ISNT about, for the hearing impaired:

1.Corpse Paint

2.Wearing Black

3 Lo fidelity recordings


5.Anton Le Vey Humanism/Church of Satan

6.Devil worship/ Black Magic

7.Sounding like a band that was developing 20 years ago/Cookie Cutter mentality



10.Nationalism (to a point)

11.Herd Mentality

12.Long Hair

To summarize what Black Metal ~IS~ about:

1. Being "True" to yourself and what you believe in IE Individuality (and strengthening the individual not the society)

2. Free Will and spiritual freedom

3. True Satanism as the core theme and ideology to express the above ideas(see Theistic Satanism and early Theosophy/Esoteric Science and History)

4. Speaking out against the true source of deception, spiritual bondage and evil in the world IE judaism, christianity, and all organized religions.

5. Capturing the sounds and force of nature.

6. Extreme Metal which includes all the true non commericalized Metals, like Thrash, Speed, Power, and Death . At times also drawing from Electronic/Industrial/Ambient as well as orchestral arrangments for added atmosphere.

7. Each band sounding completly unique from the next, while also having a completly unique look. (even band members are allowed to have their own look from each other-- Imagine that)

8. Helping to reverse social and religious indoctrination.

9. No difference between private lifestyle, band image, and music, as they are one.

As is apparent, Black Metal is a multi facited black diamond that shines in the dark, illuminating all who are touched by its cool embrace. It represents the road less traveled, and takes great courage to tread down its path. I hope my article has brought the truth and essence about Black Metal to the surface, and those that are part of the problem, can become aware of the damage they cause, so they may change and become part of the solution.

{1} Bill Zebub - "The Black Metal Documentary" 2007 {2} As collected from the dates found in Wikipedia {3}Euronymous interviewed on Sweadish Radio {4} Sumarian Antiq. by George Smith {5} Secret Doctrine Vol 1 and 2 by HPB {6} Lost teachings of Jesus Vol 1 - The Prophets {7} NRK! interview part 1 - youtube {8} NRK1 interview part 2 -youtube. {9} NRK1 Interview part 4 - youtube {10} True Norwegian Black Metal part 5 - youtube //

About the Author:

Genocide Helveti is the lead guitar player of the USBM band Fratricide. He has played guitar for 20+ years and has been activly involved with various forms of Metal for the same amount of time.Drawing from a wide range of influences, he weaves his guitar to create melodic tapestries of torment.

He is formerly the guitar player of Detroits, Chronic Boom, who opened for Rage against the machine, Eke mouse, Hill Side Stanglers, Gangster Fun and other well known acts, and had a fairly large local mid west following. He is founder and song writer for Dead Letter. And is currently working with Slit Wrist Solution.