Lui Yiu Chai

Lui Yiu Chai(Lei Ruji) was a Hung fist practitioner who operated a produce store in Foshan. After losing a fight to Chan Wah Shun, Lui became the money-changer's third student.

When Chan Wah Shun began winding down his career in the early 1900s, Lui, like his classmates Ng Jung So? and Chan Yiu Min, began to help in the teaching of the junior students. Lui was said to have especially helped Lai Hip Chi? in learning Wing Chun Kuen.

One account suggests that following Chan Wah Shun's death in 1911, Lui Yiu Chai moved to Vietnam where he taught some Wing Chun Kuen (perhaps known there as Luong Vu-Te). This is highly unlikely though, as most research points to Yuen Kay Shans, elder brother Yuen Chai Wan, moving to Vietnam in 1936, and in the Vietnam lineages they do preserve it was indeed Yuen Chai Wan.

His name is found in an engraving on a picture given to Chan Yiu Min, for the opening of his school. Only 9 names are engraved on the dedication, including Yip Mans, to there Sihing and fellow student. It has been preserved via Oral Tradition that Chan Wah Shun only had 14 students, thus if the engraved names are accurate, validate 9 out of the 14.


  • Oral and Written Tradition Pan Nam Family
  • Oral Traditions Vietnamese Wing Chun
  • Leungs Publishing